Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Benefits of Reiki

Have you ever considered that our subtle bodies are like electrical currents in our homes? Imagine having too many electric lines tying into one circuit and what the outcome could be. You would have a short causing the electric breaker to shut down as to not cause a fire. Well the same goes for our energetic bodies, as in our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. If we have an energetic dysfunction in any of these bodies, your body will shut down in those areas, not allowing you to experience optimal health. You have to address all four bodies, for the current of energy to flow freely, while creating a synergy of energy flow.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Our New Earth

We have entered a new world where technologies and viewing things from a perspective we are not familiar with can make us uncomfortable. Currently, it is vitally important that we remain in our heart space and to embrace changes with an open heart and mind. Easier said than done, I know. Change is always difficult; we are used to the familiar. But what if futuristic changes could mean a better safer, happier, healthier, world to live in

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Reiki and Our Pets

When we think of Reiki and energy healing, most of us don’t consider how it can help benefit our pet’s health. Pet’s respond to Reiki just as humans do. You can use energy healing on your pets for a wide range of reasons such as, helping them cope with complications with their health, be it pain, pre and post-surgery, digestive issues, behavior, anxiety, depression and so much more

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Feng Shui and Divorce

Energetic patterns are everywhere, in homes, work places, supermarkets where we shop and even places of worship. What most people do not know is that these energetic patterns can affect our lives on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

A Healing Environment

When we think of healing, we usually connect to the thought of healing ourselves. Did you know that our personal environment needs healing as well? Let’s take a look at one particular life event which can cause our homes to not be so nurturing.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Developing A Spiritual Practice

When we think of developing a spiritual practice, most of us think it’s about going to our church and helping the needy. While that is great to incorporate into our lives, what we don’t think about is developing our personal responsibility to ourselves.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

The Art of Sound Healing

All sound emits a specific vibrational frequency which resonates with water. Since our bodies are made up of about 75% water, we are perfect receptors for sound healing. When the sound is of a high vibration, it will emit healing frequencies.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Vibrations in Your Personal Space 

Everything in our personal space holds a specific vibration of energy which can be felt by everyone who occupy that space. Our homes are meant to be a safe haven and sanctuary for all who live and visit there. Our homes can also give back to us more than we realize. When we focus on removing low vibration elements in our personal space and replace them with higher vibration elements we create an ongoing healing affect, allowing our creativity to flow, enhancing our relationships, allowing us to enjoy abundant wealth, health and fulfilling careers.

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Roxanne D'Angelo Roxanne D'Angelo

Reiki and Oncology

When people are diagnosed with cancer, they are hit with a barrage of emotions ranging from fear, sadness, anxiety, depression, anger to desperation. Sometimes just thinking a little outside the box is all we need to help shift our energies into taking a positive approach, giving the strength to pull ourselves togetherIt all begins with an idea.

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