Roxanne has over 30 years experience working with vibrational frequencies, using various energy healing modalities. She implements a holistic approach to help her clients create balance and harmony in their lives. Roxanne is crystal clear about what it takes to remove energetic obstacles so you can create abundant health, wealth and happiness, be it of body, mind, spirit, or in your personal environment.

It all started when Roxanne was an infant and her family’s home was struck by a fallen tree during a hurricane. On October 15, 1954 – Hurricane Hazel passed well to the west of New Jersey, producing very high winds with wind gusts peaking at 92 mph in Teterboro. The wires from the surrounding homes on their street were pulled down along with the uprooted tree, engulfing their entire home in a powerful energy surge which lit up the whole neighborhood. At the time of the strike, Roxanne was fast asleep on top of her parent’s bed. Above her was a ceiling fixture that had a metal pull chain which became dislodged and fell onto the bed only a few inches away from her precious little body, causing a fire to break out. Had that pull chain fallen on top of her, she wouldn’t be here today. At the same time, a fire broke out in the energy panel (fuse box) in their basement. Her father and grandfather whisked quickly down the stairs to put out the fire. We don’t know what method they used to extinguish the fire because neither one of them are still alive, however, when the fire department arrived they couldn’t believe they weren’t electrocuted. Our family was truly blessed in so many ways, and Roxanne believes that this was a gift given to her family as they worked with the energetics of their physical, mental, emotion, spiritual bodies which ultimately led to living very healthy lives while manifesting their dreams. Her dad lived until the age of 102, and at age 90 in 2011 he was entered into the Guinness Book of World Records for the longest career as an ice cream vendor.

During Roxanne’s life growing up she always had a tendency towards working very intensely in her personal environment, moving things around, asking that her bedroom’s furniture to be changed facing different directions, and even different rooms of their home, once even the attic. She was experiencing the energy of her personal space and spent much of her time alone in nature figuring things out. She knew intuitively that there was a universal unspoken language and symbols that she longed to tap into. Animals were always drawn to her as well. It wasn’t until her early 30’s that she discovered she felt different than the average person, but didn’t know how to communicate this without sounding strange. She has lived her whole life in her light body, meaning she doesn’t feel the denseness that most people feel. She is grounded, yet feels light as a feather.

Roxanne has devoted the last 30 plus years to the study of metaphysics and how our inner and outer environments affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. She is passionate about working in the field of energy medicine and developing programs to teach others who are interested in living their lives in love, peace and happiness!

I’d love to help you on your journey towards self healing. We all carry the divine ability, deep within, to heal ourselves!

Roxanne’s Certifications:

  • Reiki I, II, III, Master Teacher

  • Arch IV, V, VI, VII, Master Teacher

  • Magnified Healing I

  • Master Crystals Certification

  • Certified Feng Shui Consultant

  • Certified Space Clearing Consultant