Feng Shui and Divorce

Energetic patterns are everywhere, in homes, work places, supermarkets where we shop and even places of worship. What most people do not know is that these energetic patterns can affect our lives on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Energetic patterns are created by the occupants of a particular space over time. For instance, if you are generally a healthy, happy and positive person, the energy released from you would be of a higher vibration. On the other hand, if you are unhealthy, unhappy or negative, the energy released from you would be of a lower dense vibration.

Imagine what type of energetic patterns are released from couples when a divorce is in the mix. Usually there are a lot of arguments compounded with sadness and fear. If one of the couples remains in the home after the divorce, those energetic patterns are imbedded in their surroundings, including the walls, furniture and even the bed you both slept on. If one of the couple moves out, the furnishings they take with them are still carrying the energetic patterns from the divorce.

Remember, this is your space, your time! Your space should reflect who you are and your goals in life. Starting your life over can be a cathartic experience. Embrace the moment and make it count!


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