Grounding and Protecting Yourself

Have you ever thought about the power of grounding and protecting your energy daily and how it can impact your life? The answer for most is, probably not. You may ask, what does that even mean? What is grounding? What do I have to protect myself from? Have you ever felt flighty, not in your body? Some people would refer the term to being spaced out. Not able to focus your thoughts, not being centered. Have you ever woke up feeling great and on top of the world? Then on the way to work, you stop to pick up a cup of coffee and the person at the counter was not very pleasant. Their vibrations seem to penetrate you, and all of a sudden you are not feeling on top of the world anymore. You got zapped with someone’s low vibration schmutz which can remain with you for the rest of the day. And there you have it, you become a victim of unwanted energy from a complete stranger! 

 From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, we are affected by other people’s thoughts, emotions and words, weather in person, on the phone or the internet.

Here are some simple steps to help ground and protect yourself before you begin each day.

Upon awakening, sit on the edge of bed or on a chair, feet flat on the floor and imagine roots growing out from your feet and reaching into the earth’s core. Bring the energy of the full spectrum of the rainbow up through your feet through your whole body and out the top of your head and spiral the energy outside of your body back into the earth. Then bring in universal white light in through your crown chakra down through your body then out your feet and spiral up the outside of your body back to the heavens. And there you have it. Protected and grounded for the day.


Ego Separates us from the Whole