Ego Separates us from the Whole
What if we are God? How would we be living our lives? Would we be affected by others behaviors? Would we have to shove our opinions down people’s throats?
According to the ancient teachings, each and every one of us are a hologram of Christ. All living things carry a divine spark, a divine essence deep within. So what does that really mean?
That means we are all co-creators with Christ. We create the world around us with our every thought, word and action, keeping in mind, we are always given the gift of choice, meaning we are truly in control of the outcome of any given situation. including our relationships, financial status, our material world, as well as sickness or health, depression or happiness. We all are given the choice to create the life we deserve. So what are we doing wrong?
It all comes down to a three letter word which most of us have never even given it a second thought. It’s called our EGO. A great acronym I once saw explained it very clearly, EGO is EDGING GOD OUT! When we edge God out, our ego takes over and the war within us begins to take hold of our lives. Our ego will win every time leaving us feeling separate from God, unless we do the necessary work. We cannot create greatness, joy and love if we are separate from the whole. It is the law.
So let’s think about this. If we are a hologram of Christ , and Christ has no ego, then our first job is to learn to lessen our ego. A lot easier said than done. Our job is simply {no pun intended} learning to live our lives coming from a higher vibrational state. You can start by implementing some daily spiritual practices such as forgiveness of ourselves and others, being sure to set clear boundaries for our self preservation. We cannot manifest goodness on any level if we are angry, resentful, jealous, or feeling less than, etc. Next is practicing living in gratitude, acceptance and unconditional love. Just doing these exercises daily will shift you into a higher frequency where manifestation becomes more apparent and you begin feeling your deep connection of the divine within. Meditation, reflection, prayer, working with crystals and essential oils, and healing work are also suggestions in helping raise your vibration considerably.
How do you know when your ego is dropping? You’ll know by being mindful of your response when someone says or does something to you and you are not affected negatively or positively in the least. You just don’t react. You may say hogwash, but it’s possible, it just takes a lot of practice. You may begin to experience synchronicities throughout your day, like that job you’ve been waiting for, or someone stepping in the lend you a hand. As we raise our personal vibration, things that used to bother us no longer do. What becomes most important is living our lives in gratitude and pure happiness. This does take daily practice, and over time the results will show itself by gracing us with abundance in many areas of our lives.
Does it really matter if your point of view is accepted by others? The answer is “no”. That’s our ego mind taking over. How often have you had a conversation with someone to have them shove their opinion down your throat? That is their ego talking. Why do we focus on other people’s behaviors when we have absolutely no control over them? Mostly because it’s more comfortable to look at others and their faults rather than look at our own. Instead, we can learn to focus on “how may I serve”.
As we work on raising our personal vibration one day at a time, something miraculous starts happening inside our cellular memory that begins to create new pathways in our brain, resulting in a positive outcome altogether. Opportunities that you have long awaited for, come knocking at your door. Your finances start to work out for you. The relationships that were toxic begin to fall to the wayside and fulfilling relationships start forming. You notice a positive change in your health, you feel lighter, more energized. You begin to carry a glow about your energy field. People want to be in your presence. Life in general becomes joyous and abundant. This is what raising your vibration and dropping your ego looks like. We are fortunate human beings that are all given choices every minute of every day, which will ultimately affect the quality of our lives on a grand scale.
You can start today by being mindful of your actions, shifting your energy to that of love, acceptance and joy. You may find that miracles, no matter how small, start to show up in your life! After all, we are all a hologram of the whole.